Monday, January 18, 2016

Can you believe it, January 2016 almost half over.  I just finished another quilt for a customer. I really like how this one turned out.  I did free motion design and used a ruler for the rope design.  One of my friends said it looked like a candy cane design.  I am posting both the front and backside as I like both sides.  Just have the binding to do since she asked me to do it for her and then in a pillow case and a box to send off to Arizona where she is at for the winter.

Next is my granddaughters fleece throw.  I gave her the Frozen top and pink backing with the batting and told her when she was no longer grounded, that she could quilt it.  So tomorrow will be her day to quilt on the longarm.  She is 15 and does a wonderful job.

I love doing quilts for others and see the look on their faces.  My business is slowly building by the grace of God and I am so thankful.   I acquired my ScanNCut2 and my granddaughter and I will be starting to cut quilt blocks and applique to create a quilt to display for all to see.

Well it is late, so I will say goodnight until we talk again

1 comment:

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