Monday, March 28, 2016

Excited about my New ScanNCut2

I have just purchased a new ScanNCut2 and have demonstrated it to some of my customers.  This Item is available to come in and use.  I looked at the new Bernina 750 and 880 bur not in my budget right now.  The ScanNCut will do exactly the same thing the features the Eernina has such as cutwork, Rhinestones, applique and even do stencils for your quilting.

My granddaughters love the Rhinestone capabilities and are able to add bling to their clothes. I have had several gals come in and use the machine (for a small rental fee) and have enjoyed learning to create some awesome projects.  
March has been Quilting Month and I have had a great month.  I received a quilt fro Seattle Washington to quilt for a gal there.  Below is a picture of the quilt .  I love her colors and she did a beautiful job on piecing it together.  She pieced together the back from her leftover fabric which is absolutely beautiful.  She can put this on her bed either side and it will be absolutely gorgeous.  I received her call and she found me on the internet and loved my work and asked to send me her quilt to quilt it.  We  decided on swirls and feathers as an overall design on the quilt.  She should receive it this Friday.  Thank you Emma for giving me the opportunity to freehand motion with my longarm this design.  So ho knows, I may have the opportunity to quilt a quilt from each state.  I have done one for a gal in Arizona and now one from Seattle Washington.  She has a second one almost ready to get quilted and will be sending in a couple of weeks.

I am also licensed to make some Wyoming Quilts.  I was contacted last fall to make a  UW quilt with steamboat on it.  We are working out a small throw design that she will like.  I am so fortunate to have the skills to create my website and it has reached across the US and everyone has liked my work.  I am a strong believer that we all have a place here on earth and God provides us guidance and answers our prayers.  We may not always get what we want but we get what God knows we need at the time.  My middle son says, "We are not in charge of the Master Plan."

I also decided to be a "Sister" Chapter for Quilts For Kids for Wyoming.  I am setting up quarter jars in various stores for donations and Sally who is one of the gals in the main Chapter "Quilt For Kids"  has received all my information and I am all set to start organizing a place for those who would like to join me in sewing up these quilts to give out to the children in the hospital and, the different charities around town.  My goal is to contact Quilt Shops across Wyoming to see who would like to be a pickup and deliver of these quilt kits to put together and deliver to their hospitals and charities in their towns.

Well I have a quilt to design and hope to have one or two posted on my web site for sale.  Accuquilt has free patterns and there is a place on my website to click on the home page "Pattern" to go to the site and download a free pattern or two.  They have some really cool patterns.  I have Accuquilt Cutter and the Go Big machine available to rent to cut out your blocks for those who do not want to store all those cutters for maybe just one or two quilt you want to make.  Remember their saying "Accurate Cuts make Better Quilts."

I have several other quilts I have completed and will be posting and blogging on this week.  So come back to visit my blog.   Happy Quilting from Longarm of The West Custom Qulting and enjoy the pictures
